An insatiable hunger for gastronomic creativity. An unquenchable thirst for culinary excellence. And simply impeccably good taste. These ingredients make up the perfect recipe that is Chef Jessie.
Chef Jessie Sincioco has come a long way since winning the grand prize in the baking category of The Great Maya Cookfest in 1983. Captivating the judges with her remarkable talent, she was immediately offered a special training course within the pastry section of Hotel Intercontinental Manila. Formally hired even before her training course was completed, she quickly rose from the ranks to become the very First Filipina Pastry Chef in 1990. Many firsts and accolades would pepper the course of her savory career. On top of her many awards in “Chefs On Parade”, the country’s most prestigious culinary competition, she has twice bagged the L’Assiete D’Or, the most coveted gold trophy.