Our Lady of Remedies Church is located in Clark Air Base, Air Force City in Angeles, Pampanga.
Wedding Rates
Arancel is P 8,000.00 - for the maintenance of the Chapel's Facilities and civilian Church Personnel. Additional P2,000.00 will be charged if the parties wishes to use the Air Conditioning Units (for the maintenance of the Chapel's Aircon)
Wedding Requirements
- Certificate of Permission to Marry from the Parish Priest of the Bride.-FOR Pampanga Residence only.
- Original new copy of Baptismal Certificate of both Parties (Groom and Bride). Note: FOR MARRIAGE PURPOSES
- Original new copy of Confirmation Certificate of both Parties (Groom and Bride).Note: FOR MARRIAGE PURPOSES
- Fill-up/Accomplish Matrimonial Questionnaires.
- Valid Marriage license/Marriage Contract (if civilly married) or Certificate of Co-Habitation from the local Civil Registrar if they have been living together Five (5) years and / or above.
- Publication of Marriage Banns/Dispensation.
- Certificates of Dispensation for Mixed Marriage from the Chancery.
- Complete Pre-Cana seminar from the Parish of the Bride.
- Submission of Names and Addresses of Principal Sponsors (Roman Catholic only).
- Pre-Nuptial interview and confession with the Base Chaplain (Date and Time to be scheduled by the Base Chaplain).
- Submission: Xerox copy of:
- Valid Celebret-of the Officiating/Solemnizing Priest
- b. Valid CRASM of the Officiating Priest CRASM-Certificate of Registration and Authority to Solemnize Marriage.
Other Reminders: (Personal Responsibility of the interested parties)
- Wedding Rings
- Arrhae (Coins-13 pcs.)
- Veil
- Cord
- Matrimonial Candles (2 pcs.)
- Choir
- Flowers and Decorations
- Stipend for the Solemnizing/Officiating Priest
- Give 3 contact numbers to the Office of the Base Chaplain (upon inquiry)
NO RESERVATION POLICY. FIRST COME, FIRST SERVE is in effect. Only when the aforementioned Numbers 1 to 5 canonical requirements have been submitted, can the contracting parties be able to get final schedule (Date and Time) of their wedding, and should make 50% deposit of the Arancel. Then, they may proceed with the other requirements. Always ask Official Receipt for transacting business involving payments. NO REFUND in case of cancellation of scheduled wedding. ALL necessary requirements and documents MUST be submitted One (1) week prior to scheduled wedding. Should the contracting parties desire to make changes with their wedding schedule, it should be done (30) days prior to the original date of their wedding and upon the approval of the Base Chaplain.